Earlier this year, Protecting Americans Action Fund (PAAF) was established with the clear objective of electing local District Attorneys and prosecutors who will enforce the law as written instead of radical activists who unilaterally decide which laws to implement.
PAAF invested in over a dozen competitive races on Tuesday, supporting strong, enforce-the-law candidates. With a 70% win record, PAAF helped flip 5 Democrat-held seats around the country and defend seats in tough jurisdictions like Phoenix, Arizona, and St. Petersburg, Florida.
In Arizona, PAAF ran radio ads in Maricopa County in support of Rachel Mitchell, who is now leading by four points and well-positioned to win the election as a law-and-order prosecutor.
In Florida, PAAF ran television ads in Pinellas Counties that helped propel incumbent Bruce Bartlett to 59% against a radical activist. Bartlett has already proven that he will enforce the laws as written instead of cherry-picking which laws to enforce based on his own ideology.
In Iowa, PAAF ran radio ads in Scott County that helped push Kelly Cunningham to a six-point win. In Woodbury County, PAAF also ran radio ads in support of James Loomis, who defeated an incumbent Democrat by nearly 20 points. Additionally, PAAF helped tip the race with mail in Dubuque County, where Sam Nelson won. All three Iowa races were flips.
In Missouri, PAAF helped Tracy Carlson defeat liberal prosecutor Shiante McMahon in Linn County. Meanwhile, PAAF played a key role in electing John Jones IV in Washington County.
In North Carolina, PAAF helped re-elect Jim O’Neill in Forsyth County because, like all of our candidates that we support, he has spent his career enforcing the law as it’s written.
In Texas, PAAF played a key role in making sure Phil Sorrells was elected in Tarrant County against a progressive activist in Fort Worth.
Additionally, members of PAAF’s honorary advisory board saw success in runs for higher office, including Tim Griffin, who received 67% of the vote and will become the next Attorney General of Arkansas. Guthrie County Attorney Brenna Bird defeated Tom Miller, who has been the Attorney General in Iowa since 1978.
And in Georgia, advisory board member Attorney General Chris Carr was re-elected.
While Tuesday was a huge success for our group, liberals will continue to try and elect activist prosecutors who will circumvent the legislative branch, and it’s why we are just getting started toward electing prosecutors who will do nothing more than enforce the laws that are written against individuals who are charged with criminal activity.